Adorama via eBay Daily Deals offers the Samsung 850 EVO 1TB 2.5-inch Solid-State Drive for $289.99 shipped. Today's deal is a savings of $210 off the original price, $57 better than Amazon, $20 less than our previous mention and the lowest offering we can currently find.
Over 7,400 Amazon customers rate this solid-state drive 4.7/5 stars, it is also one of the best-selling models. Features include a 2.5-inch form factor, 3D V-Nand technology, 540/520MB/s read/write speeds and a five year warranty.
Combine your new SSD with this highly-rated 2.5-inch USB 3.0 SSD enclosure from Inateck for $12.99 Prime shipped after coupon code OUYW6A3O is applied during checkout.
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